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10 inch Pleated Washable Reusable Water Filter Cartridge - Water Filter Men

    10 inch Pleated Washable Reusable Water Filter Cartridge

    £18.00 £24.00
    Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

    Fits all 10" filter housings.
    Prefilter for Rainwater Harvesting Systems , Well Water filter , Swimming pools , WVO Bio Diesel Filtering
    Pleated Cartridge can be washed down and reinserted into the housing to be used a number of times subject to water quality.


    Choose your micron rating from 1mic , 5mic or 50mic. (lower the micron the lower the sediment size removed , if using multiple stages , start with a higher micron down to a lower micron)
    Used as first stage for filtering heavy sediment ,muck and visible particles.
    10" pleated Cartridge (For Removal of sediment , muck and visible particles).
    10"Housings available that house this filter on our site.

    Media: Pleated Cartridge
    Cartridge Dimensions: Approx. 10" x 2.5"
    Micron: Choice from 1mic,5mic or 50mic



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